Homework #2

Getting to Know Nutrition Facts!


This module is designed to help students learn how to read the nutrition facts labeled on most food goods sold in the United States.  It will also teach students how to determine which foods offer the greatest nutritional value and which foods may be to high in certain categories such as fat, sodium, and cholesterol. 

Parent Student Combined Assignment: 30 minutes to 1 hour

Complete the following assignment together with your parents:  You will need your crayons or colored pencil for part of this assignment.

First let’s look at parts of the nutrition label.

First, color servings per container, calories, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and total carbohydrate in RED

Next color dietary fiber, vitamin A, calcium, vitamin C and Iron in GREEN

Always check the servings per container. There are actually two and half servings in this can of soup!

The RED areas should be low

The GREEN areas should be high. Get plenty of these. They are good for your body!

 5% is low and 20% is high
 For some fun go online and play the nutrition fact game!

Click here to go to the Nutrition Fact Game

Now Let’s Compare Food Labels!

                                                                                                                                                                      Mac and Cheese                                                         Medium Orange

Label A                                                                  Label B


Answer the questions by writing A or B in column 1

                                                                                                         Column 1                Column 2
1. Which label has higher sodium per serving?  

2. Which food has more sugar per serving?

3. Which food has more vitamin C per serving?

4. Which food has more servings?

5. Which food has more calories?

In your home find two food labels and write down the foods below.
Food label A

Food label B

Answer the questions again for the two labels you found by writing A or B in Column 2.

                                                                                    Column 1                Column 2
1. Which label has higher sodium per serving?  

2. Which food has more sugar per serving?

3. Which food has more vitamin C per serving?

4. Which food has more servings?

5. Which food has more calories?

                           Now it’s Time to Talk About It

Go grocery shopping with your parents or take a look at the food labels in your pantry.
Then answer the questions with a parent or guardian.
Check the box next to the question when completed (You don’t have to write down your answer).

Which foods do you like the best?  

Which foods do you like the least?

 Which foods do you think are the healthiest and why?

Which foods do you think are the least healthy and why?

Which foods have the most servings per container?

 Which foods have the most calories?

Which foods have the most sugar?